February 2022


In November, last, the Edwinstowe Historical Society was contacted by the Editor of the Royal Windsor website asking for information relating to a football match that had taken place at Windsor in 1927, between Thoresby Colliery Football Club and the Imperial Service College. A photograph was provided of the match, which showed the players wearing the kit from Edwinstowe’s St Michael’s football team, and in goal was the College’s Headmaster. The result of the match was 13 goals to 3 in favour of the pit boys.

This was the first information the Society had about the event, so the researchers began to make enquiries. Reports from local newspapers were scrutinised and revealed that a party of Notts pit lads, pony drivers and haulage boys had played a football match with a team of public-school boys at Windsor. The match had been organised by Major Moncur who was responsible for the Bolsover Colliery Company’s Welfare Centre, based at Edwinstowe Hall, and the boys were selected from each of the company’s pits to make up an eleven to meet the Imperial Services College XI Windsor.

The boys were accommodated in one of the college houses, and the following day were shown round Windsor Castle followed by a visit to see places of interest in London.  The reason why the team travelled all the way to Windsor from Nottinghamshire remains a mystery.

The Society has arranged a collection of photos depicting Sherwood Forest during the winter months.  These are on display in the Craft Centre, Forest Corner.