Pageants and Village Celebrations

In 1927, Edwinstowe W.I. presented a production called, ‘The Outlaws of Sherwood Forest’ Lady Sibell played Robin Hood.

Lady Sibell, Mrs Nettleship, Miss Maynard, Miss Woodhead.

Drama Group in 1930. Characters for ‘The Magic Rose’ Sylvia hart was Elfie.

Lady Sibell Argles Edwinstowe Pageant 1935 

A Coal News report, (Mining Communities Magazine) September 1953

With the greensward as their stage and Sherwood oaks as their backcloth, over 200 of the villagers of Edwinstowe – nearly all that number Thoresby colliery mining folk –brought to life, in nine scenes, episodes in the history and legends of their community over the past 1,000 years.

Each of the local organizations-miners welfare, ambulance division, fire brigade, Women’s Welfare, Toc H, parents, teachers, ‘old scholars’ associations, tennis, cricket, bowls, and darts club  – was allotted the whole or part of an episode, studying, memorizing, and acting it separately, under the guidance of producer R. W. Westcott, B.A., L.R.A.M., assistant drama advisor to Notts County Council.

In the last week before the first of the four public performances, all the groups joined in general rehearsals.

For the third performance 400 hundred of the 500 chairs in the arena were sold days before, and there were full ‘houses’ at the other performances.

Thoresby Colliery Manager S. Thorneycroft provided fencing and floodlights, and permitted changes of shift for many of the miners taking part in the pageant – though inevitably some had to go straight to the pit after each show.

King Edwin’s (county) School, Headmaster Joseph D Dixon undertook research into Edwinstowe history, advised on the accuracy of costumes (most made by the cast) and helped continuously ‘behind the scenes’.

One of his staff M. J. Jackson, compiled the pageants programme, Science and Music master Mr. R. Cauldwell was musical director.

Wardrobe mistress was Mrs. Staniland retired school mistress. Publicity was handled by Mrs. Margaret Greaves, wife of a Thoresby coal cutter, who herself provided the script for several incidents from research into local history.

The pageant, climax to the Edwinstowe’s Coronation Celebrations, had the support of the Parish Council and the Miners Welfare Committee. Patrons included the Earl of Manvers, who lent the forest site for the show.

The Coal News, provided a photographer to take a set of photographs of the 1953 Pageant.

           Cast: Mrs Cannon, Mrs Green, Mrs Parker, Mr Finch, Mr Reeve, Pat Cannon, Margaret Beniston, Mr Marriott, Mr Wyld, Mr Scully.

Cavalier’s Spur

Clive Raynor, Noel Mosely, Robert Walker, Geoffrey Raynor, Joyce Moss, Margaret Vessey, June Leivers, Freda Broadhead, Shirley Evans.

Robin Hood and Alan-A-Dale

W Higginbottom,   D Wood,   J Kirk,   Colin Rose,   Cynthia Cooper,   Mr G Hill,  Mr G Shaw

Shirley Evans, Freda Broadhead, June leivers, Margaret Vessey

Edwinstowe Coronation Celebrations 1953

The Pageant of Edwinstowe

Coronation Souvenir Programme 1953

Christmas Tree Celebrations 1992

Spring Festival 1999

The Millennium

Lantern Parade – 1999  During December 1999 workshops led by Alan Kirkpatrick were held in the village, the library gave out free packs with instructions for those who couldn’t attend the workshops.

School children from St Marys and King Edwin took part.

Workshops were held in the Village Hall

Edwinstowe Festival Organisation – 1999