A Newsletter has been circulated to all members of the Edwinstowe Historical Society informing them that the Committee still believe it is wiser to wait until next year before consideration is given to holding meetings again. In view of the fact that the AGM was not held in May, the Chair, Shirley Moore, decided to include her report for 2019/20 in the Newsletter.
Edwinstowe Historical Society is looking for pictures of Ashgrove House (Queen Anne/Regency) on West Lane, Edwinstowe and which was demolished in the 1960’s to make way for the new Vicarage.
In the 1841 Census Mrs Dracott and her daughter ran a Girls’ School in the house (on what was then called Dog Kennel Lane or Back Lane West).
In the 1930’s Dr Rogerson held his surgery at the house, and then in 1947 Dr Gray moved into the Vicarage on Mansfield Road having exchanged Ashgrove House with the Rev Basil Evans. The Society would welcome any photos or memories of this building.
Although a small village, Edwinstowe has been home to many notable residents: Cecil Day-Lewis, author and Poet Laureate; Dr E Cobham Brewer, author of a Dictionary of Phrase & Fable; Geoffrey Palmer, author and teacher; Elizabeth Sarah Villa Real Gooch, actress and author; Lady Sibell Argles, née Pierrepont, involved with the community; Lady Eveline Maude, involved with local activities; Philip Brett, conductor and musicologist; Henry James Perrenee, Bow Street Runner; and Christopher Thomson, strolling player and artist.