On Wed. 20th June members enjoyed an illustrated talk about village history, with particular reference to the Pubs, Inns and the Dukeries Hotel, also about the Fire Brigade and the part played by the firemen when carrying out their duties in the village.
The information was diligently assembled by committee members from our extensive collection of photos, documents and personal anecdotes.
The next meeting will take place on Wed. 19th September when Dr David Nunn’s illustrated talk “Nottinghamshire Roll of Honour” will be about the new WW1 memorial to be sited in the Memorial Gardens on Nottingham Victoria Embankment.
Our meetings are held on the 3rd Wednesday of the month and take place in the Church Rooms, Mansfield Road, Edwinstowe, NG21 9NJ, commencing at 2.00 p.m. Tea/coffee and biscuits are available. The annual subscription is £12, and visitors are welcome for a fee of £3.
Further information is available on our website at www.edwinstowehistory.org.uk.